15 October 2008

The Room Where They Keep the Cezannes

Mona Lisa is here! She has come to visit me for a few days which is, you know, lovely.

I picked her up at the airport last night. On my way I dropped in on The Antiquer and watched him make shepherd's pie in a fashion k. would not approve of.

(Yeah, yeah: in a fashion of which k. would not approve. Whatevs.)

It was a yummy shepherd's pie though The Antiquer fretted that it was watery; he moaned several times that Tam O'Shanter would come home from her run and comment on the wateriness. I think he's feeling the pressure, don't you?

Anyway. Mona Lisa is here! This time, sadly, without DJ Pups and without Manni, the Dark Rider. But we will make do. She's already asked me to try to get her an appointment with my doctor. That's the kind of exciting fun we get up to around here. Tune in for more as the week goes on.


Anonymous said...

well, I hope she remembers her panties!!!

hazelblackberry said...

She's a proper lady. She would.