17 October 2008

Eyes and Ears - 17/10/2008

Most cake recipes should begin thus:
First, take every bowl you own out of your cupboards. You'll be using each and every one, though later you'll wonder why. Then you'll wash them up. This will create in you a hollow sort of feeling, an eternal wind whistling, and circling you the faraway horizon meeting an empty sky.

We're talking about the banality of existence here. Or something.

Anyway, preheat the oven to 175 degrees....
So I've been making cakes and delicate little cupcakes in this fashion for some time now and then I happened to browse through this book:

The Burp gave it to me months ago and I've only just discovered that it includes a vanilla cupcake recipe which is all-in-one. That's one bowl and one bowl only, for slow readers. One spatula and one set of beaters. You don't even have to sift the flour! Of course, it makes it kind of hard to justify turning on the dishwasher, but if you use a new plate each time you eat one, the racks soon fill up. And these cakes are delicious. They're very buttery, as is the icing, which I find a plus. Mona Lisa confesses she finds them just a little too buttery and The Antiquer reports that he has to use a crowbar to get the Small Thing down off the ceiling after she's eaten one.

But here's my point: you can't please everyone.

Last time I called in chez Antiquer with cupcakes in hand I showed them to Small Thing and told her, "Remember, the pink icing reminds us that we're girls and the purple decorations remind us that we've been liberated from male white corporate oppression." She didn't seem fussed. And The Antiquer can't be too appalled either by the saturated animal fats or by the feminist inculcation as he's put in another order of cakes for next week.

I've also started reading Patrick Gale's Little Pieces of Baby. I'm only a quarter of the way through and I'm not sure I like it; not sure at all. I'll get back to you on that one.

Top 5 Songs:
Mona Lisa commented today that so much of my music seems to be upbeat or happy. I told her I often skip over the sad or "meaningful" songs. She knows I'm not the most introspective of people. Come on, everyone, get happy! I don't know how you'd classify this mix, but they make me feel pretty good.

Nearly Lost You - Screaming Trees
Lost Control - Grinspoon
My Boyfriend's Back - Alice Donut
A Good Idea - Sugar
Dragula - Rob Zombie

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