30 June 2008


The crocheted blanket that was draped across Grumpy's knees is an old one made by maiden aunts many moons ago. You know the sort: made from a combo of different-coloured leftover wool (lavender, red, yellow and white). It is, therefore, choc-full of love but not as stylish as this.

Whereas I claim to love crafts and keep a sadly-neglected blog as testament to how little time I put into my various hobbies, Carol is among the legions of people who just get on and do it.


Carol said...

I *wish* I was as good as you make me out to be. That acrylic has been through at least 7 attempts at various items over the past year. I just kind of lose interest with projects. I have such a huge stash of crap that I am going to do something with one day (and I have an unfinished object that is about 18 years old)

Hopefully the blanket will make it to an actual finished object!

hazelblackberry said...

Yes,, kind of losing interest with projects tends to be my problem. That's why the blog is such a miracle. Although one rarely tires of speaking of oneself...