18 August 2006

Run on for a long time

The Antiquer dropped by the other day - and might I sat what an old-fashioned idea the "pop-in" seems to be these days, and a damn shame too - and blathered on for hours about how he & his girlfriend Tam-O-Shanter have got back into running. He enthused at length on what he perceived to be the benefits: "We don't feel like eating!" "We never want to sleep!"

Oh yeah, sounds fan-bloody-tastic.

Anyway, it obviously made a big impact on Grumpy because he leapt out of bed this morning and said, "The Antiquer has inspired me! I'm thinking about going for a run."

"Good for you," I said. (You can always count on me for moral support.)

"You know, I'm really excited."

"What? About going for a run?"

"No, about thinking about going for a run."


Anonymous said...

Hey it must be the weather. i thought about going for a run this morning also, in fact i do that most mornings. As it easier to exercise with a friend maybe Grumpy and I coiuld get together and think aobut running together? In fact, Hazel, why don;t you join us?

hazelblackberry said...

Thinking? In the morning? You must be bonkers. I'll let you two health nuts knock yourselves out.

Anonymous said...

I actually do run every morning........from the bed straight to the loo........from Dana