28 November 2005

Is that the cat that chewed your new shoes?

Grumpy is both fascinated and infuriated by the way we Blackberries behave in the mornings. No matter the occasion or the rush, getting ready to head out the door inevitably involves a period of non-communicative sitting and staring into space, usually accompanied by several cigarettes and cups of coffee. I skip on the ciggies and coffee and just settle for staring.

At a family gathering on Saturday we were all watching a video of Abacus's young boys, Mocky and Melon, who we rarely get to see as they live on the other side of the country. You know, the eastern states. Abacus had the camera trained on Mocky, who is seven, sitting at the table, head resting in his hands, staring moodily at nothing while his corn flakes turned to mush. "What're you doing?" asked Abacus. Mocky only just got his voice out of grunt mode enough to answer, "Eating."

"Aaah," said Grumpy, his heart clearly warming to such a familiar sight. "The patented Blackberry morning routine. Just give him another 10 years and he'll be puffing away at the Lucky Strikes and gulping down a Nescafe."

Don Mary snorted.


Anonymous said...

Lucky Strikes? Well maybe they have those on the other side of "the wall", Grumpy, but not in good old WOz. You watch too much tv.

Anonymous said...

Yes Haze old girl (actually I slipped while typing that and you were nearly "old git" - Freudian slip perhaps)I am back sort of; we seem to have internet access in the house for a while - slips in and out like an ambivalent turtle - but I am thrown by this word recognition stuff, people. I have hada glass of wine (baby t in bed and asleep) and it is a difficult call, this ucmcysq bizzo.
Anyway, delighted to be back - beats checking my emails by standing in the driveway!

hazelblackberry said...

Eeeee! Welcome back. I sent you an email this morning. I hope the wind blows in the right direction long enough for you to answer.

Ambivalent turtle - tee hee.