I meant to tell k. this after it happened but I forgot - which is a shame; she could have done with a laugh - so she can read it here.
Yesterday k. and I walked with t. up to the shops to fill a prescription. While k. went into the chemist, t. ambled with me round to the newsagent so I could get the papers (and, hence, my daily crossword fix). I was picking up the papers and paying for them and juggling with change and all the while t. was babbling away with scant regard from me.
Suddenly he said, "But it's okay, we're not lost. I know where mummy is."
"Do you?"
"Yes, I can show you."
"Okay," I said, and then added somewhat dramatically and loudly, "Show me the mummy!"
This little joke obviously went over t.'s head and about three people looked at me, as Grumpy would say, as though I'd just got off the Goodna bus.
Luckily I had a little chuckle. Bloody Ern always said you should laugh at your own jokes, because you never knew if anybody else would.
yes I did, and thanks, I did.
??? Winnie the Pooh: "Show me the honey!" ???
Brer Fox...Show me the Bunny
Ranz, I know k isn't well but you must be taking the same cough medicine she is.
Oh Hazel...show me the funny!
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