02 July 2008

It's all meme meme around here.

Quite some time ago Cellobella tagged me for a meme but I was too busy and hysterical to do it. So I'm doing it now.

Seven Useful* Things About Me - With a Twist

(The twist is that one of these things is a lie. Cue Henry Rollins.....)

1. Hazel Blackberry was my Nanna's name. Fo sho.
2. I can't cook rice. My rice is always not quite right.
3. However, give me some leftover rice and I can make yummy rice pudding.
4. Except for a few minutes here and there I have never watched an entire episode of Big Brother.
5. I struggle to remember to change the toilet roll. This gets the goat of the Grumpy.
6. John McEnroe once accidentally knocked me over outside Observation City. He was such a gentleman afterwards.
7. I once told a joke that made my Grampa, The Fuehrer, laugh so much he fell over. I didn't even find it particularly funny.

Now, which one is the lie? The intrigue!

I ain't gonna tag nobody, but if you want to do this over at your blog leave a message in the comments saying that you will.

*Items memed may not actually be useful.


CelloBella said...

I'm going to guess that you have watched big brother and are in fact an avid fan!


Anonymous said...

I have no proof, but I think you can cook rice.
Even my beautiful, intelligent, graceful & very over educated wife, who can cook less things than she has fingers, can cook rice.

hazelblackberry said...

Jack, it's sadly all too true: I RILLY can't cook rice and I am none of the things your wife is.

Cellobella, while I haven't watched it since, I was HOOKED on the first series of Big Brother and missed very few instalments. Since Grumpy refused to have it on in the house it was the one time I was motivated to get up to the gym - big screen TV, Sara-Marie in all her glory. Those were the days.

Anonymous said...

i have to admit, I never picked you fpr someone who knew Henry Rollins stuff - although if anyone would yu would be the one.
psrejohn mac...he was only an obnoxious dummyspitter in the first two or so sets....then he was focused and proffessional...and i have heard that he is a real gentleman off court.
pps i am back in the land of internet and beaches! c u soon