04 May 2008

The First to Blink

Grumpy and The Antiquer took in a show last night. I warned Grumpy that afterwards The Antiquer would insist on repairing to a cafe for cake. No matter what the occasion, no matter how late the hour, no social interaction is complete for The A without cake. In fact sometimes when I'm home alone and he's called, he's offered to come over and watch TV with me: "I'll bring some cake."

So it came to pass that after the entertainment, Grumpy and The Antiquer found themselves in Leederville, snuggled up together at a cafe enjoying dessert.

Grumpy was telling me about it this morning and I sensed he'd found it all a trifle uncomfortable.

"Well," I said. "You would have been just like any other couple on their tentative first date."

"You're not wrong! And the way The Antiquer always has to stand so close to you, and stare straight into your eyes! The whole evening it's you shuffling back and him shuffling forward - I felt like I was trapped in some bizarre waltz."

That Antiquer, he's quite the needy thing.


Philosophical Karen said...

There is a knitting forum I belong to where they are always talking about cake. (They even have a little "smiley" type icon of cake that they use freely.) To them, cake is a symbol of everything good: a reward, something to soothe a hurt, a social catalyst.

As a result, even though I don't know this Antiquer fellow, I had a bizarre image of him somehow wandering among the knitting women like a lost sailor among the sirens: a very happy (but also doomed) man.

hazelblackberry said...

Well, Karen, I think that knitting forum is on to something, you know.

Your image of The Antiquer is pretty much spot on.