17 November 2006

If you don't mind my saying so, this conversation is getting a little strange.

Since The BurpRooster family sold the farm - which, sad though it was, is infinitely better than buying the farm - The Rooster has been diligently working towards his degree in agribusiness. Along the way, prizes and accolades have been heaped upon his shoulders. I fully expect that he won't just get a paper degree, they'll have some kind of trophy made up for him.

Last night as I was heading home I got a text message: "I'm finished uni." I thought it was someone texting their mum to say they'd finished for the day and to please pick them up. I wrote back: "I think you've got the wrong number."

When I got home Grumpy said, "Hey, did you see The Rooster has finished uni??"



Spud Mack said...

I understand the agriculture may be a longish word so shortening it to agribusiness may just be acceptable. But do we really need the word agrinomics?

Anonymous said...

Yes. It's agronomics (not a derivative of economics) and is something to do with how much fertiliser you use.

I know, a farmer told me so.

And so did Wikipedia: Agronomy is a branch of agricultural science that deals with the study of crops and the soils in which they grow. Agronomists work to develop methods that will improve the use of soil and increase the production of food and fiber crops. They conduct research in crop rotation, irrigation and drainage, plant breeding, soil classification, soil fertility, weed control, and other areas.

When you knew where Horseland is I thought you were a person who knows stuff. Now I am not so sure.

Mary Bennet said...

Hazel, that was really public spirited of you to send a text back to that poor imaginary student loitering alone in the dark on a scary campus.

I don't know if I would have done the same because I'm the world's slowest texter.

Spud Mack said...

well I have been duly correctly. Time for me to eat some agri-pie!

Anonymous said...

Eat dirt!