13 September 2006

Talkin' 'Bout My Friend George

Last week the ever-charming Moonface, her brother Bellows and two of their mates were playing on our front porch.

When I came home they were trying to entice Violet Crumbleruff, the world's most anti-social cat, out from under the house. I stopped to advise them of the futility of their efforts. (I like to introduce a note of solemnity to all kiddy fun.)

One little blighter asked when old VC was going to have kittens and another piped up with the information that she'd probably been fixed, to which I replied that, why, yes, she had. Then I was asked, "Can humans be fixed?" and I thought no time like the present for a simple and frank exchange on human genitalia and sexuality so I said that yes, they could.

Bellows had been rather quiet throughout this exchange. As quiet as the cool, silvery evening that was descending upon our still, silent neighbourhood. But now he saw an opening gambit which would allow him to dive right in to the conversational mix. He took a deep breath, filling his lungs to capacity, and thundered the news to homes in about a 3 km radius: "My daddy's been fixed!"


Anonymous said...

I love the reference to a great Lou Reed song from his New Sensations album. I bought an autographed copy of that album from a rock auction on 96fm a long, long time ago.

I also saw Lou in concert when he toured that album. Brilliant. His support act was the Hoodoo Gurus. It was the first time I'd ever seen them and I was immediately a fan.

Sorry for going off on such a tangent. :)

Philosophical Karen said...

Kids are great for that, aren't they.

(I wanted to have something better to say, but, well, I don't.)

Grump Les Tiltskin said...

I can't believe how loud the Hoodoos were live.

I've seen Motorhead live. The Hoodoos are louder.

Grump Les Tiltskin said...

So why the title, Haze?

"Sounds like Cattleman and his killing stick"?

Did he get neutered as some kind of "new sensation"??

Surely Bellows isn't 5 foot six yet???