15 August 2006

There is a light that never goes out

I am increasingly disturbed at the number of friends I try to call on a Saturday night only to get their answering machines. Out. Out on a Saturday night! What is wrong with these people? Don't they realise they're in their mid-30s, and probably have children? Don't they know they should be slumped in a chair at home complaining bitterly that the only decent thing on TV at 8.30 is The Bill* and that certainly isn't much chop anymore.

More's the point, the lousy buggers haven't invited me along, wherever they are. I can't think why.

*Actually, I watch Iron Chef instead. The Bill is really too awful these days.


Philosophical Karen said...

Iron Chef is worth staying in for.

Spud Mack said...

The real question is, "which iron chef do you think you would challenge and why?"

hazelblackberry said...

I'd go with Iron Chef French. His cuisine generally reigns supreme.

Alyson said...

You know what I would like to see. Martha Stewart vs. Iron chef. She would be so worried about the doilies that she wouldn't finish a dish.Hahaha

Anonymous said...

I would love just to go out, have plaster up to me knee and am house bound. Your reckon Saturday night tv is sad you should try day time tv. Please blog more HBB it will give me something to do (yes it was netball)

p.s. why is there a wheelchair at the end of the word verification??

hazelblackberry said...

I told The Burp that netball was a dangerous game. I think the wheelchair is there for the visually impaired. But also for risk-taking netball players.