09 August 2005

Tip Toe Through the Tulips

We popped down to the Ponderosa on Sunday to pay Ern & Bez a visit.

As we were leaving, Grumpy saw some new flowers in one of the garden beds and said, "Oh, Bezley, are these your jonquils?!" I swear he emitted a girlish giggle and flapped his hands excitedly. "That's the noice smell I noticed when we arrived."

Ern, never one to do anything by halves, thrust his whole face into the nearest bunch and, when he re-emerged, pronounced, "Hmmm - a bit rank."


hazelblackberry said...

Bugger off, anonymous. And while you're at it, learn to spell.

Grump Les Tiltskin said...

That crazy, sycophantic anonymous.

Anonymous said...

That wasn't me HBB!!!!!!!!

hazelblackberry said...

I realise there are anonymouses, and then there are anonymouses. And you, anonymous, are not THAT kind of anonymous. Stupid anonymous.

Anonymous said...

I'm also an "anonymous" who has found her way to your very funny blog site, reading through your archives while occasionally adding a comment of my own, but "bugger off anonymous"? Do you mean all the anonymous people you don't personally know? Are we intruding on a private little clique? from Dana.