01 July 2005

It's a Miracle!

This girl at work and I were talking about food we do and don't like and she said, "Hey, have you ever had lettuce with sugar?"

I nearly fell off my chair.

The ridicule I've endured over the years whenever I mention the Sunday ritual Bloody Ern and I would enjoy after a hot, salty weekend of fishing out at the coast: we'd get home late on a Sunday evening and Ern would cook up porridge for dinner and then we'd treat ourselves to a dessert of lettuce with sugar. I don't know where Ern got the idea from because Don Mary & The Fuehrer eschewed this particular dietary habit. Maybe he picked it up from Dyzie, before she, you know, (whispers) went away.

I couldn't believe that I'd found someone else walking the earth who ate lettuce with sugar.

Anyway, this girl at work and I both agreed that this treat was best when the lettuce was cold and really juicy. You could almost pretend you were doing yourself a favour!*

*But really? You were doing yourself a flavour.


Anonymous said...

HB; why have we never had this conversation? Lettuce with sugar was one of my childhood delights! My Nana was very down on too much salt, but hell! the more sugar the better! (Might explain the diabetes that runs rife in my mother's family).
The lettuce thing is not something one mentions in polite company, but perhaps we could start a small support group?

Anonymous said...

hmmm, don't feel so bad now about those childhood chocolate bikky sambo's now

Anonymous said...

D, why have *we* never had this conversation before?