13 May 2005


Nick has passed the baton on to me and Jessie Mo and I'll do this one because it's a bit more fun than those stupid 20 questions that get passed around between so-called friends and are really just a thinly-veiled excuse to show how quirky and different you are.

So anyway, here are my answers that hopefully don't make me sound like a wan-maldicion-ker:

You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451. Which book do you want to be saved?

- The Jeeves and Wooster Omnibus (that way I save THREE books), any volume, by PG Wodehouse. Not only are they a light and frothy tonic for troubled times, the characterisations, descriptions and plotting are all excellent.

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?

- Hal Incandenza (Infinite Jest); Bertie Wooster - yes, he is 'mentally negligible' but those Woosters know how to keep a stiff upper lip.

The last book you bought was…?

- I haven't bought a book in ages. But the other day I was in a book store buying Tobias Wolff's 'Old School' (which should be subtitled, 'Real Deal') for a friend and I think I'll go back and grab one for myself. And I wouldn't mind getting one of those Dorothy Porter books - you know, where she writes a mystery all in poetry. They're good and gory too.

The last book you read was…?

- Wonder Boys by Michael Chabon. It made me snort.

What are you currently reading?

- I'm half way through Salt by Mark Kurlansky. I think I'm enjoying it.

Five books you would take to a desert island…

- I'd take any four of the Wooster and Jeeves books. Like the Fahrenheit 451 scenario, things are going to get grim pretty quickly. Levity is the key. But I'd also take Hemingway's The Faithful Bull so I could have a good cry sometimes, and yet also feel stoic.

Who are you passing this stick on to and why?

- Quirkie, because she shares my love of the Woosters, and maybe Blodgett could enlighten us all with his views.

1 comment:

Grump Les Tiltskin said...

Enough of the bull, already, HBB.

BTW, did you know that in Mexico they do a roaring trade in bull offal under the stadium after the fight?

They also have a national pawn shop, owned by the government. At least they did in the 1979 Time Life book I was flicking through this afternoon.

hasta luego y maldicion