13 May 2005

I Don't Wanna Grow Up

So Grumpy is a bit of an Eddie Cochran fan and he's got a greatest hits album, which includes the song, "Drive-In Show'. It's a catchy tune but there is one line in it they we have always sung as, "I'll bet my penis to a candy bar" because...well, because that's the kind of immature dills we are.

And, honestly, that is EXACTLY what it sounds like.

Anyway, the other night Grumpy brought home a copy of "The Top 1000 Albums of All Time" or something - a Guinness publication. In the top 50 rock 'n' roll albums, Eddie came in at number 16 and to our everlasting delight, the reviewer asked, "But does he really sing 'I'll bet my penis to a candy bar'?!" That para is being photocopied and stuck inside the CD cover so that even when we're sucking food through a straw, we can still get a giggle out of something in this life.

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