28 September 2004

The Corrections (Bus Shelter Blues)

The Lovely New Volkswagen Golf.
Here Now.

Mr Advertising Man, it's either sentence case followed by a full stop, or title case followed by no full stop.

Do it. Do it for me.


Quirkie said...
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Quirkie said...

Top of the morning to you, hb! Yes, doesn't it give you the pip to see the English language wantonly abused by advertisers? I mean, I make no claim to any adeptness with the Language of the Empire (one notes by way of blameless entrance into mudslinging) but surely, if you make your living by putting words in the public eye, you should do so with a gentle saline, rather than a sharp, tetanus-infested stick? I can forgive the local grocer who persists in mis-spelling potatos and banannas (almost) but I thought advertisers were supposed to be educated chaps. I refer to the Goodies categorisation of intelligence: C for clever, B for brilliant, A for advertising men. One shakes one's head and wonders.