After boot camp yesterday, I headed into Freo with one of the women to enjoy a bite of brekky. We had a lovely natter over our eggs and toast. She mentioned that the house she's in at the moment has a studio in the back garden where she mucks about with her various fabric creations.
"Oh I'd love to have a studio!"
She asked me what I did craft-wise and I had to confess that, of late, it was nothing much (thus negating the need for a studio, funnily enough). That I'm too busy going out and hanging out to do anything else, or to feel like doing anything else. That I don't even bother with any of the domestic arts, not the least of which is cooking. Which is odd because whenever I used to indulge in my harmless what-if-Grumpy-just-disappeared fantasies, the things I'd do with all that time involved a lot of staying at home, sewing and fiddling with my photos and bits of paper and whipping up gourmet creations left, right and centre (especially centre). Not fulfilling that fantasy - not that Grumpy has disappeared, but you can't have everything - bugs me a bit.
She told me that after she'd separated from her husband she didn't sew or do anything for years on end. "The time will come when you want to get back into it. It will. And you'll enjoy it so much more if you don't force it."
And I thought, well, 'don't force it' is really kind of a meta-statement for life, isn't it? I really need to keep it in mind.
So I appreciate all of you who semper fi over at Peppermint Crisp and check regularly to see what, if anything, is happening. There's something new there today and though it won't be years before the next new thing, I can't make any guarantees as to exactly when it will be.
But I hope you keep coming back. I'll still be here for as long as you do, probably longer.
"what-if-Grumpy-just-disappeared fantasies"
oh isn't that just let it happen as it happens, don't push these things because they will come naturally, and you don't want to force the creative impulse, all thinkgs in good time!
Bleeaaagh! I was lying. get over there and do something to fill the void in my vicarious life.
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