22 October 2008

It Goes Round

Initials in the Tree was worried that I'd hurt The Antiquer's feelings by not mentioning him recently on my blog.

"I think you've hurt his feelings," he said. "You know, by not mentioning him recently on your blog."

The Antiquer was moving bits of Art around, looking like he was oblivious to our conversation, but I could sense the turmoil just below the surface. I suspected that's what the two hour phone call from him the night before had been about. He was trying to work up the courage to humbly ask me to please mention him on my blog. But he didn't get round to it because Tam O'Shanter told him to get off the phone for god's sake and stop bugging me.

She doesn't read the blog. She wouldn't understand his pain. But she appreciates how badly I need my sleep. I'm a day person.

Then he, The Antiquer, perked up because he remembered he wanted to show us something on his computer. I forget what it was. Something. Then he closed it down, the fascinating something, and we were all three looking at the computer screen with various icons strewn across it hither and thither. In no apparent order. Initials in the Tree was appalled at this technological mess. He is, by all reports, a neat person and he'd just spent hours upstairs in The Antiquer's house surrounded by towers of books and receipts and stuff, any of which could fall on you at any moment. And now he was being confronted by random icons. He twitched a bit. The Antiquer and I watched him in fascination. He leaned over and right-clicked the mouse to "line up icons" and order was restored - on the computer and in Initials' head.

Satisfaction all round.


Anonymous said...

You haven't mentioned ME for a while either... This is enough to get a girl thinking about starting her OWN blog again to ensure some online presence. You know I am too busy for that hb.. Come on, where's your heart?!

hazelblackberry said...

You, of all people, should know that I don't have one.