05 September 2008

Sins of Omission

That's right. I said I was "recommitting" myself to the blog, didn't I?

Well it's been a busy week! I've been out. This is not a common thing for me, going out at night. And every night at that.


Here's a quick rundown:

(1) On Monday night I went to my friend Chestnut's place for dinner. I'd been there for a couple of hours and we were chatting about this and that when suddenly she said, "Oh, hey! Here's something I forgot to tell you - I've got a brain tumour!" It's a benign tumour, I hasten to tell you as she hastened to tell me, but it still has to be monitored and old Chestnut isn't entirely at ease with the whole deal, understandably. But here's the thing: telling hazelblackberry about your brain tumour is a surefire way to shut her up about all her own petty little woes.

Perspective is what I'm talking about here.

(2) On Tuesday night I went to see Tropic Thunder with The Antiquer. New Girl will choke on her Weeties* when she reads this. Don't worry, NG old thing, I'm still seeing it with you. Afterwards The Antiquer insisted on walking me to my car - then I had to drive him round to his car. Then he made me sit there for 40 minutes in an abandoned carpark while he whinged to me about Tam O'Shanter's South African friends. I have suspected for some time, and have told him as much, that he's just jealous she even has friends.

(3) On Wednesday night I went out to dinner with a mate from uni. We have a standing arrangement on a Wednesday evening to get together and chat. We were in Vic Park and The Antiquer rang - he appears a lot more in my life than he does in this blog; I limit his appearances because I sometimes think it wouldn't look proper. Also, I can't have him hogging the limelight. I'm still looking for a good opportunity to reintroduce The Burp.

He was just round the corner in Burswood at running training so he dropped by to finish off our meals for us. Then, because he was feeling a little parched, he ordered four cool drinks: a lemonade and three lemon squashes. The waiter didn't mind bringing him another plate, knife and fork so he could eat our food, but the drinks order caused utter confusion.

(4) I can't tell you about Thursday night yet. I have to send a couple of emails first.

Tonight I'm staying home. Wire in the Blood is on!

*Or other breakfast, cereal or otherwise, of her choice.


Anonymous said...

Comment!? Yes! I have a COMMENT alright!!!!! I am at my desk and I nearly choked on my M.F.-ing banana!! How dare you!! This is AN OUTRAGE!!! Ant it's a breach of contractual arrangement! This explains why you ignored my txtmsg about same!!

Anonymous said...

And, no. I do NOT care what kind of mental image my description of my snack brings to mind. Deal with it.

So Tropic Thunder was good huh? Worth seeing twice even...? Good.