13 August 2008

Veiled Threats

Yesterday I was enjoying an iced coffee at a coffee shop near the uni while I mulled over the cryptic crossword. A man approached me and asked if he could have the rest of the paper. It was one of those cafes where they have papers available for people to read. I told the man he could borrow mine but that I needed it back because (a) I hadn't read it yet, and (b) it was mine, I'd paid for it. I often feel the need to justify this when people see me defacing what they assume is common property.

We then decided that we'd have a little race: would I finish the crossword before he'd finished reading? Well, it was quite a tough crossword and he only flicked through the paper - I was keeping an eye on him. When I protested he told me, "Well, I've already read the Fin Review and I'm hardly going to read any Olympics coverage." What a tosser!

Anyway, I didn't really care because I'd become completely absorbed in the girl at the counter, just back from her honeymoon, loudly explaining to one of her regulars how much she hated her in-laws. Now there's a marriage off to a flying start.


Spud Mack said...

That wasn't a little red-haired girl was it?

Susan said...

Did her inlaws go on the honeymoon?

hazelblackberry said...

No, Spud, this girl was a raven-haired beauty.

Susan, I think the fact that they exist seems to be problem enough for her, poor dear.

Anonymous said...

I'll assume the tosser read the Fin Review over a shoulder on the 324 bus from East Cannington.