07 June 2008

Made ya look, ya dirty chook.

Grumpy was chuckling. "I got a nibble, didn't I? Admit it, I got a nibble!"


We were cruising down to Rockingham for a coffee this afternoon (like the cuppla crazy kidz we are), listening to Lou Reed singing Busload of Faith: "The goodly-hearted made lampshades and soap."

I turned to him with the beginnings of a cough and a splutter on my lips when he said, "You know, I just don't get it. Why are the Jews so hung up on the Nazis?" He thought it was hilarious.

(We'll see how quickly his sense of humour kicks in when that laxative I slipped into my cappuccino takes effect. Any minute now.....)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmm. That reminds me. I need to get my Lou Reed CDs back from the colleague I lent them to.