26 April 2008


The other night while Grumpy was out having beers I sat in front of the computer to get some work done. As I tapped away I heard my mobile phone beep twice - two text messages at once! I cannot resist a ringing phone, the noise of an email arriving or a text message beep.

The first message was from New Girl, telling of the terrifying experience of getting a bee stuck in her hair while skiing in the French Alps. I can hear her shrieks echoing off the mountain tops from here. I'm surprised she didn't set off an avalanche.

The second message was from The Burp. She wanted to know the translation for a French phrase.

Now that, my friends, is a cosmic coincidence.


Lonie Polony said...

Was the phrase "Mon Dieu! There's a bee in my hair?"

I didn't even know bees lived around snow.

Anonymous said...

I too was surprised - 'quel surprise' or whatever - I did not scream though, I merely waited for the nice ski instructor to remove it, and then we continued on with our terrifyingnessment-osity. Sliding down a mountain is distraction enough to overcome other fears...