25 February 2008

Chin Chin

I don't know about you, but when I was in my early 20s, carrying on like a goose (and having loads of fun, of course) if I ever thought of myself and what I'd be doing when I was a little older I imagined that it would involve lots of low volume dinner parties filled with a great deal of wit and delightful conversation.

I'd still be having a lot of fun, just not by drinking a litre of vodka in one sitting. If you see where I'm coming from. I'd be grown-up, dignified. If you get my drift.

We had a barbecue with k. & d. on Saturday night. Here we are, all either at 40 or fast approaching it: I won't go into the puerile details, but I will tell you that k. and I were screaming with laughter at the unfortunate way d. had gone about explaining that he likes a good plunger (of coffee) first thing in the morning.

It's hardly the Algonquin Round Table and even the champagne barely sparkled, but that's okay - I think I like it better this way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Personally, i think it was far more highbrow than my usual saturday night pursuits!