12 July 2007

The Ladies Treat Me Kindly

Something I've not quite been able to, ie refused, to get the hang of is predictive text when sending messages on the mobile phone. It drives Grumpy mad and he hates me texting in his presence as I carefully punch out each letter (with the appropriate punctuation, let's face it).

"Christ that's painful," he says, and he's not referring to his bunions.

So Sarah Ulmer texted me one evening to say that she was watching Big Brother against her will. I wanted to text back and say that just as we look back at the split of the Roman empire into the Eastern and Western empires as a sign of the imminent collapse of that civilisation, so future archaeologists and historians will sift through the debris of our culture and identify two groups of people: those who did and those who didn't watch Big Brother.

Apart from wondering just how much text my phone could handle, I knew that if Grumpy had to listen to that much button pushing, it might send him shrieking into the night, never to return.

Hang on. Hang on a minute. I could be on to something.....


River said...

If you scroll through your "settings" options you will somewhere find an option to mute the beep or whatever sound your phone makes every time you push the buttons. And good for you, sticking with full text including punctuation and grammar.

hazelblackberry said...

Thank you, River. Yes, I would mute my phone, but what fun would that be?

Mary Bennet said...

I wish my dad would learn to use punctuation again. I spend far too long puzzling over the possible intended meaning of texts like "hi cold n sunny at mission beach on way home saw crocs at endeavour r cooktown all ok dad." Sometimes I think it's his way of getting me to call more often...