13 May 2007

But they brought me neither flowers nor breakfast in bed.

Today, for Mother's Day, my step-sister, Cinderella, and I took Bezley out to breakfast. We were sitting at our table when a woman appeared with a basket of chocolates, offering free chocolates to all the mothers*. Cinderella and Bezley took a chocolate.

The woman offered the basket to me. "You're not a mother?"


"Do you have animals at home? If you have animals, then you're a mum."

As I took a chocolate Bezley laughed and said, "Is she ever a mum to those cats!"

*In the strict, historically-understood sense of the word. Some cranky maldicion man sitting at a table would not have qualified, even though today's callow youths may be inclined to give him this parental moniker.

1 comment:

Mary Bennet said...

My newsagent had a separate section of Mother's Day cards "From the Cat". Curiously there wssn't a "From the Dog" section.