21 February 2007


So I told the New Girl, who isn't a bona fide new girl, but it kind of fits, about my blog BECAUSE I KNOW I CAN TRUST HER. She emailed me the following (because why walk 5 metres from one office to the next when you can email (plus: typing=working)):

From: Girl, New
Sent: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 15:10
To: Blackberry, Hazel
Subject: modern times

yep. so now i foresee that my days will consist mostly of reading your secret blog, with occasional time-outs to have actual conversations with you. brilliant

1 comment:

Philosophical Karen said...

Hmm, I see you are plagued with the no capital people, too. I mean, they are usually very nice people, but is it really so damned hard to use the shift key?