22 January 2007

A Few Pointers

The Burp has a talent for organising mystery outings.

On the weekend she gathered a few people together at her place for one such event. After much guessing about what it could be and everyone agreeing, with varying degrees of enthusiasm and trepidation, that it must be indoor rock climbing we trooped off to the secret locale to discover that we were going to spend an hour shooting at each other with lasers.

We put on our packs and unclipped our guns, watched an informative video, and then headed in to the dark and noisy combat zone to shoot the hell out of each other. The Rooster was very sneaky - he crept everywhere - as was Bette Midler (runs in the family). The Rooster was ranked second in both our games: beaten twice by one of the indisputable breed of champions at this kind of game - a teenage boy. Mr and Mrs Chopper worked as a lethal team. I was glad to have them on my side in the second game. That didn't stop them from shooting at me a lot.

There were a band of little anklebiters running around in a gang shooting everything they saw, screeching all the time and freaking everyone out! I began to wonder if Children of the Corn was really a documentary.

Afterwards, over a delicious Han's lunch, we all animatedly discussed tactics and strategy and how much would it cost to, you know, hire the place out for only us, no other people, you know, just out of curiosity.


Spud Mack said...

I do enjoy a good laser fight. I am not so fond of the paintball variety because I am generally unpopular enough that everybody wants to shoot me first.

So how much is it for your own session?

hazelblackberry said...

I can't remember quite...I think if you wanted say about 9 of you (three teams of three) for an hour, it was about $50 each.