29 November 2006

What I Learnt at The Burp's

1. The Burp is addicted to The Sims waaaay more than she'd care to admit.

2. The Rooster has red hair because he got sunburnt as a kid. "What about the rest of you?" someone asked. "Yeah," he said, "I was naked at the time."

3. Mr Chopper may look fearsome but it turns out that he can be regularly spied out watering his front garden while holding one of his two pet toy poodles. I'm not saying I want to cuddle Mr Chopper, but I feel like we can proceed to a first-names basis.

4. Machiavelli's entire bum is smaller than one of my bum cheeks. He was racing around the back yard, displaying a fair bit of this, when The Burp told him to pull his pants up. That was all the encouragement he needed to slide them and his undies down around his knees and slowly rotate his cheeks in our direction. I have to say, he didn't go for the cheap laugh of a quick flash; he put a bit of showmanship into it. And The Burp thinks Bay Leaf is the one with a future in porn.

1 comment:

Philosophical Karen said...

My husband had to give up playing the Sims 2 because he found himself worrying far too much about the welfare of his little families. He'd say things like, "I'm worried about so-and-so. I don't know who he's going to marry."

Then when I played it I made Sim equivalents of our family. I got very upset with myself when I started flirting with every guy who came along. Really, what was I thinking?