10 November 2006

Only a Hobo, But One More is Gone

My boss just walked out the door. Everyone is feeling a little deflated. In a world of bland people struggling to never say the wrong thing, he always spoke his mind and he didn't mind if he spoke it in a particularly fruity way. He was a loyal friend and an implacable enemy and he wasn't hung up on how people got their jobs done, just as long as it was done. Because he'd been around forever, everyone knew who he was and that gave him a special kind of easy-going confidence. He wasn't full of ego. No one will ever preface a bit of bad news by telling me, "Now, I don't want you to fizz." No one will ever give me the bizarre compliment, "You're not a bad bird, even if you are a bit of a theorist." I'll miss him. It just got a little more grey around here.

1 comment:

Grump Les Tiltskin said...

Grey men in grey suits, as a greying friend of mine used to say.

(of the federal department of industry science and resources)