22 October 2006

Pseudostoops asks...

"What is a bulldog clip?"

It's one of these.

If you have a question, leave it in the comments box and hazelblackberry will either answer it or ignore it. Excitement!


Philosophical Karen said...

So why DID you have a bulldog clip holding your skirt together?

Anonymous said...

They are also useful in ceramics as decorative pattern makers.

hazelblackberry said...

Because, to cut a long story short, I bought a skirt with one of the fasteners missing and haven't got round to replacing it yet. But without the fastener the skirt band sticks out so I use a bulldog clip to keep it flat.

It can take me a while to get round to doing stuff like that.

Spud Mack said...

How much wood, would a wood-chuck chuck, if a wood-chuck would chuck wood?

pseudostoops said...

Oh! A BINDER clip! I totally know what those are, and have also used them for skirt repair, though mine was a tiny one used to hold together a flighty wrap skirt.

hazelblackberry said...

Spud: 42

The Burp said...

Isn't 42 also the Meaning Of Life?