26 September 2006

Sheila Take a Bow

This morning I caught a later bus to work, at a time when the lollipop men - and women, bien sur - were out in force along the highways and byways, ushering innocent school children in fetching uniforms across busy roads.

One thing I've noticed before, and noticed again today, is that once the little monsters have safely landed on the other side and the l.m. is lowering his brightly-coloured stop flag, he gives a small bow of thanks to the traffic.

I think that's charming.

1 comment:

The Burp said...

Our kids Lollipop Man is ex Navy. You are not allowed to walk outside the posts. You must walk your bike across the road...no running allowed.
He even got the Council to infringe a neighbouring house for parking their car on the verge at crossing times.

This man took his Summer holidays trekking across Antartica.

Grumpy should write a book on that!