18 January 2006


This frightened me.


Philosophical Karen said...

Oh me too. If I saw my face shining out of the kitchen sink first thing in the morning I think I'd throw up in it.

The Burp said...

The whole site frightened me!!

Proud Mum said...

Oh I loved this site!

My husband saw on some news show once about a study that claimed that wives with clean sock drawers had less sex.

This woman is seriously overcompensating in the kitchen.

And that made me feel better about my balance in household activities. :-)

mrs.hardly said...

I'm embarrassed to admit I was once on the flylady mailing list, for ummmm...research purposes.

They send out at least 20 emails a day - reminding you to do important stuff that you might overlook like "put on your shoes" and "go to bed".

It's like a cult. No, let me rephrase that: It *is* a cult.

I never did shine my sink.

hazelblackberry said...

Proud Mum - Yes, there's a sense of the manic and a forced, cheerful grin that makes me wonder.

Mrs Hardly - Yes, the admonition to each day "get dressed to lace-up shoes" screamed CULT! to me. I did look at my sink this morning. It's a little dull, but I don't think I'll shine it.