17 January 2006


I'm not normally given to making new year's resolutions but this year I decided I'd better start doing a few more chores around the house. And you should see me go!

MARVEL as I remember to change the toilet roll!
GASP as I take out the garbage and the recycling!
NOTE that I clean the fish filter and the kitty litter tray each morning!
ADMIRE the way I hang out the washing, bring it in when it's dry, and then fold the clothes and put them away!
STAGGER backwards in shock as I not only empty the dishwasher but now remember to put the Plasticware (TM) away immediately instead of leaving it strewn everywhere to, you know, air!

Grumpy appreciates this but he has also pointed out that all this domestic saintliness comes at a price: for some reason I have now stopped turning taps off properly. All over the Grumpyberry abode, taps drip in my wake.

Is it any wonder? There's no time! As I rush from one mind-numbingly boring job to the next there's no maldicion time, my dear, to make sure that the H and the C are perfectly straight, thus ensuring the taps are turned off in strict adherence with Grumpy Principles.

No wonder he grinds his teeth at night. Maybe I'll join him.


The Burp said...

Doesn't sound like you have left any chores for Grumpy to do? Well..it is his birthday after all...
Maybe I should send saome tweezers over to the Grumpyberry abode. Another year older, those inevitable nose and ear hairs must be on their way!!!

The Burp said...

..some tweezers...
why won't it let me edit my own comment?

Grump Les Tiltskin said...

The nosies arrived a few years ago.

Still keeping the ear ones at bay - just.

Proud Mum said...

Well, I'm inspired!

(But I would rather sit in solemn silence as my bathroom cleans itself.)

I mean: I will sing songs of praise as I don the rubber gloves.

Philosophical Karen said...

I thought my husband was the only one who emptied the dishwasher and left the plasticware strewn everywhere to, you know, air.

Excuse me while I go and move some toilet rolls into the cupboard of the bathroom upstairs. (I seem to have a toilet paper imbalance right now, and it could get critical by tomorrow if I don't do something about it.)

hazelblackberry said...

In the interests of domestic harmony, I must clarify that it is ME who leaves the Plasticware(TM) lying around for days on end. I am trying to change my evil ways.

Anonymous said...

Karen, I am impressed wiht the handle you seem to have on the toilet roll issue. Myhusband is very good at making sure he has enough in his bathroom; unfortunately he takes them from mine to do so.

Philosophical Karen said...

Hazel, I understand domestic harmony. I knew it was you. I just didn't know you were like my husband. Maybe that's why I like you, in spite of myself. ;-)

(Just kidding -- about the in spite of myself part, I mean. You know, I should just quit now while I'm marginally ahead.)

Alyson said...

I'm trying to change my evil ways. I just wish the boys in my life were trying to do the same. Good luck with forming new habits. Mine is to have the dishes done before i go to bed.

hazelblackberry said...

Oooh, thank you all for commenting. How excitement.

Grump Les Tiltskin said...

Get back to work.