01 December 2005

Today's blog...

...brung to you by this photo.


Philosophical Karen said...

This has nothing to do with your photo (which is funny, by the way) but is a question I have been wanting to ask a long time.

What does "Bex" mean in your blog title?

hazelblackberry said...

A cup of tea, a Bex and a good lie down was a common cure for all that troubled you in the hurly burly of the 60s and 70s. My father reckons that you could pour Bex - which came as a sachet of powder - straight on a toothache for instant relief. Our house was always full of the distinctive little blue and yellow boxes - my parents enjoyed a very enthusiastic social life and a Bex was necessary in order to display some semblance of normality the following day. Naturally, in more regulated times, the ingredient that made Bex all-powerful and all-soothing was removed and it became, sadly, just another paracetamol.

Philosophical Karen said...

I'm not sure there was ever an equivalent to Bex here, but a cup of tea and good lie down cures a lot of my ills.

Quirkie said...

So, Karen, then you've never heard the one about the little boy who has to go to the chemist to get his Mum "a packet of Bex pills, a packet of Bex pills, a packet of Bex pills..."? I quite enjoyed it in grade four.

Grump Les Tiltskin said...

More of a Vincents person, meself.

Philosophical Karen said...

No, Quirkie. I am a Canadian, unfortunately. (Well, not really unfortunately.) We say "package" not "packet".

But we say "grade four" too. Americans say "fourth grade". I've never understood why.

Grump Les Tiltskin said...

Because they've got fourth grade burns to the brain :-)