23 December 2005

So we had some champagne...

...and talked about names. The Burp suggested Snuggleguts - because she does love to snuggle - and it did get an airing later on. But we think we've settled on Violet Crumbleruff. She'll be known as Crumble; Violet can be saved for best.

Maybe I'll put some pictures up later.


Rodney Olsen said...

Oh yes. Pictures please.

I keep hoping that someone will get me a kitten but I don't think it's going to happen. Pauline's happy enough with one neurotic cat in the house.

Philosophical Karen said...

Crumble Blackberry. Or, on the census list: Blackberry, Crumble.

It's always good to name animals after dessert. (That's a good time to name them, too.)