15 December 2005

She's Gonna Stepp on You Again

Carrington makes a triumphant return to the blog! Because, you know, I just mentioned her. But I think I'll have to rename her The Pusher ("Ha!" will say Grumpy when he reads this, and then start singing, "But the pusher don't care if you live or if you die...", and then he'll say, "Hey, how do you know 'The Pusher'?" But who cares what he'd say; there's room enough over at his blog for all that nonsense.)

I'm thinking about a new name for her because last night she had a Nutrimetics part-ay, which I could not attend because I was sitting at home franticly making the last of my Christmas cards and doing other important stuff, like reading Tintin: Cigars of the Pharaoh. So after the movies the other night when we sat down with our ice cream sundaes ("Aha!" cries Grumpy...oh, forget it) Carrington whips out two Nutrimetics catalogues and an order form, just for me to consider, no pressure, just see if there's anything you like, you may wish to notice how much stuff is half-price etc etc.

The devil comes disguised as a friend.


The Burp said...

Wasn't someone doing the same with the sale of a can opener recently HB, or was it Grumpy?

hazelblackberry said...

I think you'll find that the can opener sells itself.