21 December 2005

Hazelblackberry's Little Helper

At our work we all have access to the records system so we can recklessly change due dates for work and make someone else responsible for something (usually in those circs the done thing is to let the poor victim know; what a treat at the end of the week to get your overdue list to find that, in addition to all the stuff of your own you've been ignoring, someone has added five things of theirs to your name and forgotten to mention it).

So I have fruitfully spent the morning going through my terrifyingly long list of work and giving each item a new due date: 16 January 2006.

Merry Christmas to me.


Grump Les Tiltskin said...

And so the Sagittarius task becomes a Capricorn

pseudostoops said...

16 January sounds positively decadent- we're all back to the grind on the 2d. I tried to object on the grounds that we weren't really getting a New Year's holiday because the 1st falls on a Sunday, but the higher-ups weren't interested.

Philosophical Karen said...

Oh, an online helper. I was expecting something else.

hazelblackberry said...

Well, pseudostoops, I am back at work on the 9th, but I have to give myself time to settle in...

Karen: I have to get your attention somehow.