25 July 2005

Some Moments of Rank Parochialism

In the eighteen months that I've been back in WA, I'm more than happy to report that I have heard none of the following:

- He's off at a love-in.
- We need to get the biggest bang for our buck.
- Need I remind you, it's Chatham House Rules here.

And on the subject of trans-continental moves, my friend Chestnut has called to tell me that she & her brood are heading back here to live. I tell you people, it's the place to be. Get on the bandwagon now while there's still time to look like a trend-setter.

[In a roundabout way, this reminds me of a conversation Grumpy had with Bloody Ern some years ago. Grumpy said that WA needed to improve its tourism image because nobody came here. "And that's the way we like it!" replied Ern.]

1 comment:

Grump Les Tiltskin said...

They play Merle Haggard on the radio, and that's the way Ern likes it.