06 July 2005

Possibly Don't Read This

Yesterday Bezley and I went to see Star Wars Episode III, or whatever it's called. After suffering through the first two movies, Grumpy declared he would not - would not, dammit - watch the third. However, unlike William Hurt's character in The Big Chill, I am hung up on the whole completion thing, so off I trooped.

It was much better than Episodes I and II - and Yoda's dignity was blessedly preserved this time - but still fairly ordinary. The most ruinous aspect was all that stinky dialogue between Anakin and old whatserface.

"Don't do this. Don't shut me out. Hold me like you did by the lake on wherever...etc etc"

I felt a bit bad that Bezley didn't get to see the whole movie as I had to be rushed to hospital with major organ failure.

I thought the bit at the end where Anakin was all burnt up with no leg and not much face and groaning in agony and rage and determination was pretty good. You kind of had to admire his evil resilience. I would have just given up and died, like old whatserface mercifully did.

(Oops! Was that a spoiler? Sorry if you haven't seen it.)


Anonymous said...

Well its not really a spoiler, HB. I mean, he obviously lives to become the scourge of the galaxy (I have just spent *seconds* agonising over the capitalisation of 'galaxy'; should it be, do you think?)
And we can safely assume that he must have sustained some kind of horrific injuries to justify wearing a welding mask and a ninja turtle vest for the rest of his life. So don't you worry your pretty little head about it, HB. You have not ruined a thing.
And have you seen War of the Worlds yet? What was your take on that?

Anonymous said...

oops indeed. I have jsut reread the post properly and realised that you were talking about Pad thai, not Ani babes. So I feel silly.

hazelblackberry said...

I am torn re War of the Worlds. I'd prefer not to support anything Cruisian, and yet I feel strangely drawn to what I have no doubt will be a monumental piece of cinema guano. Such is life.

hazelblackberry said...

Also, I think galaxy is best left lower case. But bless you for worrying.

Anonymous said...

Actually saw WoW last night, Cruise was not too* bad but was severely upstaged by a 10 year old.

Anonymous said...

Hold me like you did on Naboo.

hazelblackberry said...

I've never been to Naboo. You're thinking of someone completely different.