24 June 2005

A Bitter Wind

Why do all the people at work with death breath also have to be the people who want to stand really really close to you?


Elisita said...

Haha..yeah...I agree..at least we don't have to deal with that in the blogosphere. :)

I've taped House...it reminded me of you in your 'steamy confessions' post..haha...I'm guessing you saw it. I'm going to go watch the tape now...

Anonymous said...

It's no different than when someone farts. Who wants to be a stand-alone fart ripper? Same with death breath. I think it's all about belonging. And hoping that if you're standing next to someone else, yet another someone else might think the first someone else is the originator of THE PROBLEM.

Haven't. Had. Breakfast. Yet. Must. Go. Now. Cheers!

hazelblackberry said...

You're right. I watched the last 15 minutes of 'House'. I could get hooked but I'm hoping I won't. It's the Hugh Laurie factor - even with his stupid American accent; damn him!

Elisita said...

well..I saw all of House and can't really see the crazy appeal of the show...it's kinda like a medical drama/investigation drama...but Hugh Laurie is nice...plus the main guy from Dead Poets Society plays Laurie's friend...:)I can't stand blood/operations on TV so I don't think I'll continue with it though.