08 February 2005

Parse Your Lips

For some reason today I was thinking about my Grade 5 teacher, Miss Parlatoni, and how she set us a little task once to replace bland adjectives - like 'nice' - with more descriptive words.

So there was this one kid, Scott, who, when I think about it, was probably the first brainy kid with a mullet - what a combo - and he rewrote 'a pretty girl' as 'a pretty ugly girl'.

You know, it made me laugh in 1979 and it made me laugh again today.

I don't really care what you think.

1 comment:

Grump Les Tiltskin said...


Mullet certainly was a bright kid, predating by at least 6 months this (shamelessly paraphrased) line from Arthur:

Arthur's Aunty: Some day, Arthur, a pretty woman will whisk you off your feet, and she'll put an end to your rapscallion ways.

Arthur: It'll have to be a pretty BIG woman.
