25 February 2005

I tell you, I'm not going to give up. What I'm going to do is, I'm going to work harder.

The other night Grumpy was out and I stayed at home and watched the type of TV that we normally eschew. I'm talking about reality TV. Good God, I think I'm going to be hooked on this latest Survivor series. That Coby is a dirty little rat and Angie is such a sweetheart. A tattooed sweetheart - but all the same!

My big stumbling block could be Grumpy putting his chunky foot down and forbidding this wicked indulgence.

His reaction was decidedly negative when I picked him up later that evening and told him I had some bad news: that my Tuesday nights were going to be given over to the struggles and backstabbings of a bunch of beautiful, terrifyingly extroverted island castaways.

He screamed. He screamed like Ned Flanders.

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