31 January 2005

Love, Exciting and New

My cousin, Covergirl, and her boyfriend, Shirley Temple*, have announced their engagement.

(*Shirley Temple is an affable chap whose hair, until he did the Shave for a Cure thing last year, was a messy mop of blonde corkscrew curls. A clean-cut Marc Bolan. A very pleasant kid. But when he and Covergirl first started stepping out together Don Mary's suspicion of and contempt for him was great and with one of her infamous, fabulous sneers she named him Shirley Temple. And though she was being unpleasant, I have to say that she was spot on. And so Shirley Temple he is.)

Anyway, they are both blonde of follicle, blue of eye and white of tooth - to sum up, quite gorgeous - so all is right with the world.

I love an engagement. Cue all the girls jumping up and down, squealing with delight at the utter joy and fabulosity of the whole thing, and the (single) boys all standing around clutching their beers nervously and anticipating all the pressure that is now going to be on them.

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